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Mandy Woodhouse

Fixing Your Thoughts

This morning was rough. I needed perfect peace. I desperately needed something to invade my thoughts and put them on a good path again. They were all over the place!

The Bible talks about taking thoughts captive unto the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5) which I have learned to do (finally). But what do you do once you've captured the lying thoughts and refused to engage them?

This verse is so key

Keep your thoughts fixed on HIM. He is, after all, the Prince of Peace.

On the way to our morning engagement, my husband and I only talked about what we've seen God do in our lives. We recalled His faithfulness in specific situations. His transformation in our lives and the lives of others. We reminded each other about times He broke through for us and times we saw the mountains move. And we refused to partner with any lies or distractions that may have come into our minds.

Philippians 4 also touches on this. So powerful.

Perfect peace. I'm currently drenched in it.

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